Sunday 10 December 2006

Unknown Artist!

Salam Aleikum Brothers and Sisters; I seem to be encountering a slightly unusual problem today. During my usual browsing of YouTube I found a rather charming Nasheed that looks like a program intro on the Iqraa TV Channel. It starts off with انا مؤمن و الحب ترياقي or 'I am a believer and Love is the quencher of my thirst'. I love it because it has my name in it (mu'min, or believer)!The problem is I can't seem to find the title OR the name of the Artist! If anybody can help me out I'd really appreciate it and I might even consider sending you an edible treat! Anyways, here it is a la english lyrics! Enjoy!
انا مؤمن - Ana Mu'min - I am a Believer

(The following is a 'jisted translation' which tries to convey the 'feel' of the words rather than literally translating them. After all, that is the beauty of Poetry!)
I am a Believer and Love is the quencher of my Thirst
And the generous virtues of Islam are my manners
I am a Muslim and Love is the quencher of my Thirst
And the generous virtues of Islam are my manners
Through my Love amongst People I declare it
Through my Love amongst People I declare it
My Religion, My Quran and My Pledge
My Religion, My Quran and My Pledge
The name of my Lord, in my Soul I repeat it
With all my Hopes and Yearnings
The name of my Lord, in my Soul I repeat it
With all my Hopes and Yearnings
My Love for my Lord and my Prophet and those..
..who are around me is the light of my soul and of my gardens
I am a Muslim and Love is the quencher of my Thirst
And the generous virtues of Islam are my manners
Through my Love amongst People I declare it
Through my Love amongst People I declare it
My Religion, My Quran and My Pledge
My love for my Brethren and for my Neighbours
Is a Pact which has seeped deep inside of me
My love for my Brethren and for my Neighbours
Is a Pact which has seeped deep inside of me
And for every human being on Earth..
is my love and tenderness and kind feelings
my love and tenderness and kind feelings
I am a Muslim and Love is the quencher of my Thirst
the generous virtues of Islam I fly High
Through my Love amongst People I declare it
My Religion, My Quran and My Pledge)

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